This is such an easy technique of making short films. With a bit of time, effort and thought it can be such a clever and unique way to advertise. An idiots guide to the process is: taking loads of photos of objects that you move slightly in every picture, then add all the frames together in a film. I'm sure every British person has seen episodes of Pingu as a child!? Here are a few stop motion videos that are worth seeing:
Something that is a bit less dreamy and more trippy is this music video. The Swedish band Rymdreglage produced this '8-bit trip' that consists of a gazillion hours of footage and countless lego bricks. (I was actually 1500 not a gazillion) Be warned - it is reeeally trippy!

This music video Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie was created on a larger than usual scale moving objects on a bed as someone sleeps. There is also an equally amusing and far less graceful 'fat guy' parody.
This Western Spaghetti video took a bit of doing involving household objects as ingredients to cook up a pretty tastey looking dish! This won several awards including being voted #2 in TIME Magazine Viral Video of the Year.
This Western Spaghetti video took a bit of doing involving household objects as ingredients to cook up a pretty tastey looking dish! This won several awards including being voted #2 in TIME Magazine Viral Video of the Year.
I have made a few including one 40 second drink aware advert including sausage rolls, dancing wotsits, beer and a tin of vegetable soup - it was a bit messy!