I am all about making an impact to create awareness and a roof top gig is the way to get people talking!
Many well known artists and bands do some crazy shit to raise their profile. Aside from throwing a TV out of a hotel window, Bon Jovi decided to promote their 12-date show in June of this year, by holding a live gig on the rooftop of London’s O2 Arena. This was broadcast on big screens so fans could see what was going on.

Great stuff, I am sure you'll agree - but it's been done! Even the great Harry Houdini in the early 1900's performed straitjacket escapes dangling upside-down from the roof of a building, whilst flyers were handed out below for publicity. There's something about buildings that attracts attention seekers: In 2004, Fathers for Justice protesters scaled the walls of Buckingham Palace dressed as super heroes. This along with similar stunts has resulted in unprecedented press coverage for the group and their ongoing campaign. U2 also played the top of Broadcasting House in 2009, to mark their 12th studio album

All this is nothing compared to the original stunt that the Beetles pulled, on a cold Janurary afternoon in 1969. Over 40 years, from the rooftops of Apple Records on Savile Row, the band gave a ‘concert’ that surprised a central London office lunch crowd, with the bands first live gig since they stopped touring in 1965. The Police, who objected to the noise attempted in vain to cut off the power but eventually gained access onto the roof and put an end to the 'disturbance'.

I give credit to the Beetles for their global success, however I feel they were overated. With that said, the swingin' 60's was an era that I wish I'd been alive to experience as a London Ad' Creative - where advertising was
'sexy & simple'. This stunt was original and a great way to end the 60's.
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