Today, heading to London, I have slotted in some time to take photos, eat, partay and visit the work from the 2010 graduating year of the University of Wales, Newport Documentary Photography degree. They have recently started a new course called photography for fashion and advertising which is seriously tempting, if it wasn't another 3 years + a serious amount of moneys, I'd be interested. In the mean time, I've still been snapping away, with my selection of cameras + tripods! This supposed fashion shot: 'little black suit, little black tie, little black shoes' is being posted because if anything it's a bit different ... odd different! Yup, without a theme, assignment or topic to base a decent photo shoot around, I'm officially loosing it! Work is sending me to take photos of 30 consultant surgeons at a hospital in the next few weeks, so yes my content isn't that great.