Sunday, 6 June 2010


On the subject of 'Swinging London' in the last blog, I came across a global viral marketing + advertising agency called Go Viral, who have an office just outside Camden. 'Viral' is the buzzword that describes all activity that creates awareness around a product/brand through messages. The message is spread by word of mouth or these days by the glorious powers of social networking.

It was on their website, that sparked todays interest in one of my favorite beers - Heineken (...due to all my time spent in Holland). If you are not a fan of the following: Britains Got Talent; Dancing on Ice; X-Factor and how each new series sweeps the nations, you will appreciate Go Virals Heineken ad, 'Men With Talent'. It's truely wonderful! Heineken have put a lot of time and money into their advertising with many including some big Hollywood stars. Here are some other amusing ad's including Zoolander, the walk in fridge, Brad Pitt & Enter the world of Bond. The Bond ad is great + wonderfully put together. Starting out like a normal advert, it soon changes after buying a six pack of Heineken, slipping into the world of the famous secret agenct. The lighting changes, along with the camera angles + camera shots so it really does give off Bond-like vibes. Think about all the effort the creatives + copywriters, have put into the Heineken brand over the years. Next time you're at the bar, order a tall glass of that wonderful beer...but as the ad says, make sure it's not shaken!

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